Assessing and developing inclusive leadership capability at all levels


We know that inclusion is a critical ingredient for disrupting unconscious and systemic barriers, building equitable employment experiences and nurturing a sense of belonging for everyone.

With the support of practical assessment tools, like those developed Inkling’s diagnostic partner,  Inclusive Leadership Compass, we work with leaders to identify inclusion capability strengths and gaps, get clarity and pursue purposeful action to drive sustained change.

Explore our DEI client case studies to see the impact of our inclusive leadership initiatives. For the latest research and insights into the definition and benefits of inclusive leadership today, watch Inkling’s Insight Series session recording below, delivered in partnership with Inclusive Leadership Compass.


What makes an Inclusive Leader today?

In this 45-minute insight-packed session, Rashida LoweInkling Group Chief Delivery Officer, and Dr Sandy Caspi SableInclusive Leadership Compass Co-CEO and Co-Founder, unpack the latest research and insights into the definition and benefits of Inclusive Leadership today. 

This session explores:

  • What it means to truly lead inclusively and the individual and organisational attributes and competencies which combine to influence Inclusive Leadership effectiveness.
  • Where the largest capability gaps for leaders sit at the team and organisational levels of inclusion, as well as the inclusive leadership behaviours that have the largest impact on business performance.
  • Practical strategies and tools for fostering inclusivity at both individual and organisational levels.

To create and sustain a culture of inclusion, leaders must have a shared awareness of what it means to lead inclusively. Reach out to learn how Inkling can assist your organisation in assessing and developing inclusive leadership capability.

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